In the month of October...
over 2 years ago, Sallas Mahone Elementary
October-Pink Wednesdays
We might have been unable to celebrate Dr. Haugabrook this past Thursday, but we are going with "Plan B"! Wear your leopard print or camo tomorrow, Tuesday October 4th to celebrate our wonderful principal!
over 2 years ago, Sallas Mahone Elementary
Dr. H Celebration
Join us for a called meeting of the Valdosta Board of Education on Wednesday, October 5 at 12:30 pm to discuss the search for a new superintendent. This meeting will be streamed live on the VCS Facebook page.
over 2 years ago, Valdosta City Schools
VBOE Superintendent search meeting info
All schools and departments within Valdosta City Schools will be closed on Thursday, September 29, 2022 due to Hurricane Ian. Our district was already scheduled to be closed for Fall Break from Friday, September 30 through October 3, 2022. Schools will reopen on Tuesday, October 4, 2022. Please stay tuned to local media outlets or the EMA Lowndes Facebook page for updates on Hurricane Ian's landfall and impacts for our area. Stay safe VCS families!
over 2 years ago, Valdosta City Schools
VCS Announces School Closure
🍁🍂Fall Break🍂🍁 Reminder, we will be out this Friday, September 30th and Monday, October 3rd for Fall Break.
over 2 years ago, Sallas Mahone Elementary
Fall Break Reminder
Wow, can you believe we are headed into October and November?!🥧 Check out our Parent Event Calendars on our Sallas Mahone webpage to see our upcoming events. #SMECapturetheCulture
over 2 years ago, Brandi Godwin
Oct. & Nov.
☕️Tea Party!☕️ Ms. Stephens' fourth grade classes immersed themselves into their learning by holding a tea party while learning about the Boston Tea Party and the impact this had in American Revolutionary War. They even created their own snacks. #SMECapturetheCulture
over 2 years ago, Sallas Mahone Elementary
Mrs. Stephens' 4th Grade Classes-Tea Party
Mrs. Stephens' 4th Grade Classes-Tea Party
Mrs. Stephens' 4th Grade Classes-Tea Party
Mrs. Stephens' 4th Grade Classes-Tea Party
If you're a Georgia renter who has fallen behind on rent payments as of March 13, 2020, you may qualify for assistance. Click here (
over 2 years ago, Valdosta City Schools
Community Assistance Info
Community Assistance Info Spanish
🌱Mrs. Baxter's kindergarteners experienced what true Master Gardeners have the opportunity of doing, planting! These little gardeners worked hard to plant in their garden area here at Sallas Mahone. Keep up the beautiful work to help our garden grow! #SMECapturetheCulture
over 2 years ago, Sallas Mahone Elementary
Mrs. Baxter's Class-Gardening
Mrs. Baxter's Class-Gardening
Mrs. Baxter's Class-Gardening
🏈🎟Don’t forget to wear pink tomorrow!🎟🏈
over 2 years ago, Sallas Mahone Elementary
Pink Out
🎉Kona Ice is coming to SME Sept. 29th!🎉 You may pay cash or pre-pay online ( Support our PBIS celebrations to help celebrate our students who are ROARing here at SME! Look for information that your child's teacher has sent or will send.
over 2 years ago, Sallas Mahone Elementary
Kona Ice
Kona Ice
🍎🍏Are you ready for an "apple" day?!🍏🍎 Monday, Sept. 26th. is Johnny Appleseed Day!
over 2 years ago, Brandi Godwin
🍎🍏Mon., Sept. 26th-Johnny Appleseed Day!🍏🍎
Interested in becoming a Community Partner in Education? Already a CPIE? Join us for our annual Luncheon and Kickoff event!
over 2 years ago, Valdosta City Schools
CPIE Luncheon & Kickoff Postcard
CPIE Luncheon & Kickoff Postcard
There will be a meeting of the Valdosta Board of Education's Facilities Committee on Tuesday, September 6, 2022 at 12:30 pm in the boardroom of the Superintendent's Office located at 1204 Williams Street. Committee members are Mrs. Brittney Coons-Long, Mr. Warren Lee, Dr. Tad Moseley and Mr. Trey Sherwood. This meeting will be live streamed through the Valdosta City Schools Facebook page. Today's agenda can be seen here (
over 2 years ago, Valdosta City Schools
VBOE Facilities Committee Meeting Graphic
A public hearing will be held Thursday, Sept 29, 2022, in the board room located at the Valdosta City Schools Board Office at 1204 Williams Street. The hearing will be from 12:00 to 1:00 PM and will allow public comment on the existing Internet Safety Policy and protection measures.
over 2 years ago, Valdosta City Schools
Public Hearing Mic
Tonight's game against the Cook County Hornets will be a blackout! Wildcat fans are encouraged to wear all black! #GoCats
over 2 years ago, Valdosta City Schools
VHS Black Out!
Lowndes 4-H We know there has been a lot of community talk about “4-H HYPE” recently 💪🏻 Join us at next month’s County Council to see what the 4-H hype is all about! Our first meeting of the new year will take place on Thursday, September 8 from 5:45 to 7 p.m. 🍀 RSVP by calling us at the 4-H Office, (229) 333-5185, by Tuesday, September 6 📱 County Council monthly meetings are open to all 4th through 12th graders in Lowndes County Schools and Valdosta City Schools 😎 #EducateEngageElevate #LoCo4H
over 2 years ago, Valdosta City Schools
Lowndes County 4H Council Meeting Info
VCS welcomes BOUNCY to all Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 1st grade classrooms! See news for more info!
over 2 years ago, Valdosta City Schools
SME Classroom welcomes BOUNCY
Student with BOUNCY
Student with BOUNCY
VCS assistant finance director, Kiley Cashwell, was awarded a $3,000 grant for the VCS Books for Christmas Program from the Kiwanis Club of Valdosta. Club president, Dr. Alex Alvarez, awarded the grant in August as part of the Club's 2022 $65,000 community grant awards initiative for the Valdosta community. Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time.
over 2 years ago, Valdosta City Schools
Cashwell receives donation from Kiwanis for Christmas Book Program
VCS PreK director, Jennifer Alvarez, was awarded an $11,000 grant titled Literacy Listening Centers for Pre-K Cats from the Kiwanis Club of Valdosta. Club president, Dr. Alex Alvarez, awarded the grant in August as part of the Club's 2022 $65,000 community grant awards initiative for the Valdosta Community. Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time.
over 2 years ago, Valdosta City Schools
Alvarez Receives $11,000 for VCS PreK from Kiwanis Club