Coral Glades vs. Valdosta Wildcats GoFan Info
Middle School Baseball Tryouts
Jake Reid wins a medal for cross country race!
Soccer Interest Meeting
Ms Gwen, the head custodian at VMS, retired
VMS twins ROAR together!
Join the Swim Team!
Theater Arts and Chorus Fundraiser
Dr. William "Todd" Cason, Superintendent
Students and teachers ROAR
Valdosta Wildcats vs. Banneker Trojans GoFan Info
AVID Club Interest Meeting
PBIS kick off week starts with a ROAR!
Valdosta Middle School teacher awarded the Bright Ideas Grant from Colquitt EMC.
2022 Winnersville Trivia Night - Battle of the Brains
Annual Title 1 Meeting
Dress Up Days Next Week!
Voluntary School Insurance
Order School Photos in Advance