
Last month, the Valdosta High School Drama Cats participated in the Georgia High School Association Region One/7A One Act Play Competition for the first time since 2019. Coach Caterina Orr, two chaperones, and 26 cast and crew members traveled with their adopted slogan, “We’re Gonna Win” into Camden County fired up and ready to bring home a win. With their play, The Cast List, the Drama Cats brought home the runner up trophy-the first since 2015. Other schools that participated were Colquitt County, Camden County, Lowndes County and Richmond Hills.

Individual winners included Laurana Layton (12th) and Amelia Nutting (10th). Laurana Layton won Best Supporting Actress.  Layton and Nutting were selected to be a part of the GHSA Region All Star Cast.

Congratulations to the VHS Drama Cats!