Valdosta High School has announced an updated plan for end-of-semester assessments due to the impact of hurricanes and weather-related closures this semester. These adjustments are intended to support students taking End-of-Course (EOC) exams by providing additional preparation time and an optimal testing environment.
Final Exam Schedule Final exams for all students will take place during regular school hours on the following days:
Thursday, December 12: 1st and 3rd block finals
Friday, December 13: 2nd and 4th block finals
IB program midterms will be December 12 (3 A day classes) and December 13 (3 B day classes).
EOC Testing Week Schedule The state-mandated End-of-Course (EOC) exams will be administered from Monday, December 16, to Friday, December 20. These exams are a significant component of the semester grading, accounting for 20% of the final course average. During this week, only students taking EOC exams or groups requested by administrators or program coordinators are required to report to campus. EOC testing days will be half days at Valdosta High School, allowing for a focused testing environment and dedicated time for tutorials leading up to each exam. IB program juniors will receive a letter regarding required attendance Monday, December 16 and Tuesday, December 17 for a program assessment.
Attendance: Attendance is mandatory the week of December 16 for students taking the EOC until their exam(s) have been completed. A zero will be entered until the EOC has been completed.
Here’s the detailed schedule for EOC testing:
Goals of the Adjusted Testing Plan The adjusted testing schedule is designed to:
Allow more time for scholars and teachers to prepare for assessments.
Minimize distractions on test days to create a productive and focused testing environment.
A more detailed schedule, along with additional resources and tutorial session dates, will be shared in the coming weeks. We encourage students to take advantage of tutorial sessions available before their scheduled test dates.