All recipients

Throughout the months of September to December, Valdosta City Schools has recognized exceptional leadership in our schools for their dedication to improving classroom instruction through the e-Walk teacher walkthrough system.

Dr. Dean, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, presented Certificates of Recognition to the following staff for completing the most e-Walk walkthroughs in the district:

🌟September: Dr. Haugabrook, Principal of Sallas Malone Elementary School, and Dr. Roberts, Assistant Principal of Newbern Middle School

🌟October: Principal of Sallas Malone Elementary School, and Mr. Thomas, Principal of Newbern Middle School

🌟November: Mr. Burgman, Principal of Pinevale Elementary, and Mr. Thomas, Principal of Newbern Middle School

The e-Walk Through observation system is a research-based strategy used by Valdosta City Schools to enhance classroom instruction by providing valuable feedback to our teachers for continuous reflection and improvement. We applaud the commitment of these leaders in fostering educational excellence across our district.