The middle school student-body at the Maceo A. Horne Jr. Learning Center, are “jamming” (learning) to the music of mathematics. Taught by veteran math educator, Dr. Dencie Cobb, students in grades sixth, seventh, and eight, are mastering the standards of the Georgia Department of Education, per their grade-level. For sixth grade students, Dr. Cobb has provided instruction in the area of solving “one step” equations.
Some expectations of the sixth grade student-body include, being able to determine whether an equation or inequality, involves a variable (i.e. x, y, z etc.) that is true or false, and the ability to recognize if such a variable could represent an unknown number or any number in a specified set.
Seventh grade students are being taught relevant connections to Geometry. Dr. Cobb has shown these students how to write and solve equations, using the measurement of angles. Additionally, Dr. Cobb has taught her seventh grade students how to use geometric circles and proportional reasoning, to understand the relationship between the diameter and circumference of two and three- dimensional solids such as, the Cylinder.
Finally, Dr. Cobb’s eight grade student body are jamming too to the academic tunes of math by grasping the concept of describing and solving linear equations. These math problems are depicted as follows: one solution (x=a), infinitely many solutions (a=a), and no solutions (a=b).
In reference to teaching these melodious mathematical concepts this academic year, Dr. Cobb stated, “I have an exciting and rigorous curriculum for this school year, and am looking forward to a fantastic year. I hope that students will not only learn to really enjoy my class, but will also be prepared for future classes.” Anyone who has had the privilege of observing Dr. Cobb’s Horne Learning Center’s Middle School Math Class, recognizes that both she and her students are prepared for academic success, which is why her classroom is a JAMMING place to be, for this campus’ student- body.
Submitted by:
Mr. Carlos D. Hundley
Middle Grades Reading Recovery/Study Skills Teacher