Grant Requests
Who: The opportunity to apply for a grant is open to all Valdosta City School System teachers, media specialists, counselors, or any combination of teams within one school setting or among schools.
What: Monetary grants to fund innovative and creative projects/lessons/events that will improve student performance, specifically those not ordinarily provided for by the district’s operating budget. Grant funds are contributed by VCS employees (payroll deduction), community sponsors and our fundraisers, Feeling Lucky in Winnersville and Battle of the Brains.
When: Grants are awarded monthly throughout the school year.
Foundation grants do not fund basic school supplies or any routine purchases that would typically be made by the school or school district.
T-shirts/promotional items can be a component/reward/part of a grant proposal, but they should not be the entire ask. Food/refreshment requests also will be considered as a component of an overall request.
Applications must align with the School Improvement Plan and/or Georgia Standards of Excellence.
Applications must be approved by the school’s principal/administrator, who will include a statement confirming and explaining in detail why the request cannot be funded by your principal/school’s fund.
Applications: https://bit.ly/VCSFGrantReq2425
Administrator's Approval: https://bit.ly/VCSFGrantApproval2425
All Valdosta Board of Education accounting procedures must be followed when purchasing items for the grant.
All items purchased are property of the school, not the employee. Please have any items purchased handled accordingly through the Valdosta City Schools inventory.
If grant funds are not spent by the end of the school year, the money must be refunded to the Foundation with exceptions. If you have an exception, please contact Jennifer Steedley at jsteedley@gocats.org.