FY24 S.L. Mason Elementary SIP Goals and Action Steps

2023-2024 Literacy Goal

For the 2023-2024 school year, S. L. Mason will increase the percentage of 3rd, 4th, and 5th-grade students scoring at achievement level 3 (proficient) and 4 (distinguished), on GMAS English Language Arts End-of-Grade Assessment. Additionally, SLM will decrease the percentage of students scoring at achievement level I (Beginning) on GMAS English Language Arts End-of-Grade Assessment from:

Level 3 and Level 4:

3rd grade: 22% FY23 to 32% FY24

4th grade: 13% FY23 to 23% FY24

5th grade: 25% FY23 to 35% FY24

Level 1:

3rd grade: 54% FY23 to 44% FY24

4th grade: 51% FY23 to 41% FY24

5th grade: 43% FY23 to 33% FY24

Additionally, 60% of students in grades K - 2 will achieve a continual growth percentile of 50% or higher from Fall 2023 to Spring 2024 on the STAR Early Literacy or STAR Reading assessment. 

Literacy Goal  Action Steps 

  1. Continue professional learning communities and collaborative learning.

  2. Effectively monitor the implementation of professional learning to address curriculum, planning, and instructional needs.

  3. Continue instructional rounds and focus walks.

  4. Continue monitoring the implementation of intervention support through the use of Reading Horizons and STAR data.

  5. Continue professional learning and monitoring of the use of literacy notebooks.

  6. Daily writing instruction such as genre-specific, shared, interactive, and independent writing opportunities. 

  7. Effectively monitor the implementation of MTSS.

  8. Provide coaching, modeling, and teacher support through the use of an Academic Coach.

  9. Intervention specialists will serve Tier 3 students in ELA  support. 

  10. Implement class size reduction teachers to support academic success.

  11. Integrate technology within instruction to support student academic success. 

2023-2024 Numeracy Goal

For the 2023-2024 school year, S. L. Mason will increase the percentage of 3rd, 4th, and 5th-grade students scoring at achievement level 3 (proficient) and 4 (distinguished), on the GMAS Mathematics End-of-Grade Assessment. Additionally, SLM will decrease the percentage of students scoring at achievement level 1 (Beginning) on the GMAS Mathematics End-of-Grade Assessment.

Level 3 and Level 4:

3rd grade: 32% FY23 to 42% FY24

4th grade: 25% FY23 to 35% FY24

5th grade: 21% FY23 to 31% FY24

Level 1:

3rd grade: 33% FY23 to 23% FY24

4th grade: 35% FY23 to 25% FY24

5th grade: 42% FY23 to 32% FY24

Additionally, 60% of students in grades 1 - 2  will achieve a continual growth percentile of 50% or higher from Fall 2023 to Spring 2024 on the STAR Math assessment. 

Numeracy Goal Action Steps

  1. Continue professional learning communities and collaborative learning.

  2. Effectively monitor the implementation of professional learning to address curriculum, planning, and instructional needs.

  3. Continue instructional rounds and focus walks.

  4. Ensure an understanding of the CRA model to include student collaboration, student engagement with authentic problems, and modeling.

  5. Utilize Mathematical Practices to develop students as mathematical thinkers. 

  6. Implement and consistently monitor the use of numeracy reflection journals and notebooks. 

  7. Effectively monitor the implementation of MTSS.

  8. Provide coaching, modeling, and teacher support through the use of an Academic Coach.

  9. Intervention specialists will serve Tier 3 students in Math support such as the Georgia Numeracy Project.

  10. Implement class size reduction teachers to support academic success.

  11. Integrate technology within instruction to support student academic success. 

2023-2024 Culture and Climate Goal

For the 2023-2024 school year, S. L. Mason will increase to operational PBIS School status, as reported by the Georgia PBIS Levels of Recognition. S.L. Mason will increase their positive school climate as evidenced by the VCS comprehensive staff survey (Q5: “Maintaining a Positive School Climate”), from 63% effective/very effective in FY23 to 73% effective/very effective in FY24.

Additionally, SL Mason will decrease the number of office referrals by implementing a system of effective classroom management plans. 

Culture & Climate Goal Action Steps

  1. The PBIS team will monitor implementation with walk-throughs to check for R.O.A.R posters, check staff usage of the PBIS rewards program, have monthly PBIS rewards and quarterly celebrations, TFI walk-throughs, Bouncy and Ripple Effects walk-throughs, and PBIS training sign-in sheets.

  2. Interventionists and administration will monitor the implementation of behavior interventions and documentation.

  3. Interventionists and mentors will be using the Check-In / Check-Out program. 

  4. Sign-in sheets from monthly faculty meetings will be collected. Google Calendar will indicate celebrations, events, and socials. Pictures from special events will be taken and uploaded on social media to show the great things happening here. 

  5. A committee will meet monthly to create events and activities to foster a positive culture and climate. Agendas and sign-in sheets will be created for these events. 

  6. The PBIS coach and selected team members will attend sessions at the PBIS conference and redeliver learned content to the team. This will be documented through redelivery agendas and sign-in sheets. 

  7. Returning students with 4-6 ODRs will be added to small group counseling beginning in August 2023.  Returning students with 7 or more ODRs will receive weekly individual counseling beginning in August 2023.

  8. Classroom management plans will be implemented with fidelity to support positive behaviors and manage unwanted behaviors.

  9. Homeroom teachers will implement a student recognition system that impacts at least 50% of the students.